Monday, October 23, 2006

More Scolding of Rural Legislators

My parents live in Fergus Falls, which is represented in the Legislature by Republicans Cal Larson (Senate) and Bud Nornes (House). I was able to get a letter to the editor published in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal re: their support of the Mike Opat/Brad Finstad/Carl Pohlad stadium swindle.

I was born in Fergus Falls, and live in Minneapolis. With parents and many other relatives in Fergus Falls, I visit frequently.

My family enjoys a lively discussion of current events, and I know of the recent struggles Fergus Falls has faced with school facilities and funding decisions.

Just be thankful you are given the opportunity to vote.

Your Republican representatives in the legislature, Bud Nornes and Cal Larson, voted for a 30-year sales tax in Hennepin County to fund a capital project for private owners, namely the Minnesota Twins.

State law requires that local option sales taxes be approved by referendum, unless the Legislature allows an exception. Hennepin County voters were denied a right to vote on this tax. We had it forced down our throats, thanks to the support of rural legislators like Larson and Nornes.

Bud Nornes is on record with the Taxpayers League as a ‘no new taxes’ pledge signer. What happened?

Here's the real irony — building and supporting a school is a constitutionally-required function of state government.

Building a playground for grown men to play a child’s game is not a function of government, by any definition.

Vote these fake conservatives out of office on Nov. 7. They raised the taxes on one-fourth of the state's population, for something government shouldn't even be doing.

Mark Hanson
