Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tell the Strib to do More Coverage of Commissioner Races

I posted this on the Editor's blog:

Eva Young says:

September 23rd, 2006 at 12:18 pm

Hi Anders - I like this new feature in the strib. I’d like to bring a debate to your attention.

There was a debate for County Commissioner in District 2 - sponsored by the Urban League the saturday prior to the primary. I believe that KMOJ might have audio from that debate. Please try to get the audio, and cover the debate - this was a debate between Mark Stenglein and Greg Gray. We all know the Strib will prefer and endorse Mark Stenglein because of his stadium vote. However readers of your paper deserve more information.

Voters deserve to hear more about both candidates in this race - the county races are important. The county has a 2 billion dollar budget. (That is double the bonding bill for the state this year). If the Star Tribune fails to cover these races, and fails to sponsor a debate in county commissioner races, it means that the Strib is failing to live up to its responsibilities.

Please consider sponsoring - along with organizations like the Twin West Chamber of Commerce, the Minneapolis Chamber, MPR, City Pages and other media organizations, debates for all the competitive county commissioner races.

Please do make an effort to obtain audio from the Urban League debate between Stenglein and Gray - and report on that debate from that audio.

Thank you for your attention.

It's important for voters to hear a debate between Mike Opat and Mary OConnor. The Strib should be sponsoring such debates.