Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mike Opat and the Four Horsemen

From the Pioneer Press:

"From Sid's Sunday column: 'Phil Krinkie, the esteemed so-called state representative, recently described the four Hennepin County commissioners in favor of the Twins plan — Mike Opat, Randy Johnson, Peter McLaughlin and Mark Stenglein — as "the Four Horsemen." Well, that is very nice of him to give these courageous politicians a name, because they deserve to be remembered for the courage they showed to continue voting for the stadium.'

"I'm not sure the so-called representative intended the same homage to the commissioners that Mr. Hartman seems to find in the appellation. Maybe he doesn't recall the descriptive portion of the text Grantland Rice provided in 1924:

" 'Outlined against a blue, gray October sky the Four Horsemen rode again.

" 'In dramatic lore they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death.'

"Maybe Sid can decide which name fits which politician."

The combo platter